History of Yoga
History of Yoga I
Date: T.B.A.
Have you ever been curious about where yoga came from and how it evolved? We will explore the Vedas, thousands of years old writings about yoga and life in ancient India. We will also explore other ancient texts and yogic philosophy.
$15/one person or 2 people for $25
History of Yoga II
Date: TBA
This class will focus more on how yoga came to the west and major teachers from India who affected us. We will focus on influential teachers such as: Yogananda, Patthabi Jois's, Yogi Bhjan, Amma, Iyengar, and many more.
$15/one person or 2 people for $25
Date: TBA
This class will focus more on how yoga came to the west and major teachers from India who affected us. We will focus on influential teachers such as: Yogananda, Patthabi Jois's, Yogi Bhjan, Amma, Iyengar, and many more.
$15/one person or 2 people for $25